Tuesday, 19 July 2022 17:13

Exchange on digital corona strategies in Africa and Germany on 08.07.22

During the visit of the three Tanzanian researchers Prof. Dr. Alex B. Makulilo, Dr. Doreen Mwamlangala and Dr. Rindstone Ezekiel from the Open University of Tanzania, the LeibnizScience Campus DiPH analyzed and discussed digital covid-19 strategies in Germany and Africa with a special focus on tracing apps. Background of the visit is a research project on health law funded by the Humboldt Foundation. The exchange was enriched by a delegation of researchers from the University of Namibia.

Prof. Dr. Alex B. Makulilo, who has been a Research Ambassador of the University of Bremen since 2019, opened the event with his presentation on Africa's digital response to Covid-19, focusing on the regulation of tracing apps of various African countries (especially South Africa, Morocco and Ghana). In addition to regulatory aspects, Prof. Dr. Alex B. Makulilo also discussed the political, cultural and technical challenges that have hindered and are still hindering the development of tracing apps in Africa.

Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb addressed many of these challenges in his presentation on the digital Covid-19 strategy in Germany and Africa. In particular, he pointed out the essential importance of a reliable data base and questioned the low incidences in African countries. The implications of the German Corona Warn app were also addressed during his presentation.

Afterwards, the speakers discussed further issues in the field of digital pandemic strategy with the plenum.


Professor Dr Hajo Zeeb
E-Mail: zeeb(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856902
Fax: +49 421 21856941

Project Office

Dr. Moritz Jöst
E-Mail: joest(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856755
Fax: +49 421 21856941


Rasmus Cloes
E-Mail: cloes(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856780
Fax: +49 421 21856941
