PhD projects
“Health applications between Public healthcare and informational self-determination”
PhD-candidate: Merle Freye
Supervisors: Benedikt Buchner (RC 1), Johannes Schöning (RC 2)
“Functions of Digital Public Health Applications as a basis for the ontology and taxonomy of apps and their ethical evaluation”
PhD-candidate: Hans-Henrik Dassow
Supervisors: Dagmar Borchers (RC 1), Johannes Schöning (RC 2)
Co-supervisors: Ansgar Gerhardus, Benjamin Schüz (both RC 1)
“Digital Public Health Applications Based on Movement Sensors to Support Behavior Change: Current Evidence of their Effectiveness and Future Developments“
PhD-candidate: Chen-Chia Pan
Supervisors: Wolfgang Ahrens (RC 2), Benjamin Schüz (RC 1)
“Digital Services to Enhance Participation in population based studies“
PhD-candidate: Paula Herera
Supervisors: Wolfgang Ahrens (RC 2), Johannes Schöning (RC 2)
“Developing a Maturity Measurement Model for Digital Public Health: The Digital Public Health Index to compare the degree of digitalization in health systems of European countries”
PhD-candidate: Laura Maaß
Supervisors: Heinz Rothgang (RC 3), Hajo Zeeb (RC 3)
“Economic Evaluation Framework for DiPH“
PhD-candidate: Oliver Lange
Supervisor: Wolf Rogowski (RC 3)