ECRA Member Daniel Diethei
"In my research I want to investigate how health technologies, especially mobile health applications and online health forums, contribute to effective health outcomes."
Medical images captured with mobile devices of patients, i.e. of medical support groups, enable the screening, monitoring and diagnosis of conditions and diseases. While mobile teledermatology can provide good diagnostic accuracy for skin tumors, there is little research on emotional and physical aspects of medical selfies of body parts. Mobile health applications can address these problems and provide access to screening tools. Another important aspect is access to health information. Online health forums offer a large amount of information on a variety of diseases and health conditions. Therapies, strategies, drug advice and psychological support help people to find their way around their health problems. However, it is difficult for information seekers to assess the quality of the answers. In my research, I want to investigate how health technologies, especially mobile health applications and online health forums, contribute to effective health outcomes. Based on these findings, I will develop design recommendations and prototypes that improve access to digital health care.
Daniel Diethei
University Bremen
Human-Computer Interaction
Bibliotheksstr. 5
28359 Bremen, Deutschland
Phone: +49 (0)421 218-63599
Webseiten: HCI Uni Bremen