Tuesday, 28 February 2023 12:04

Retreat in Wilhelmshaven

The LSC DiPH Retreat 2023 took place from the 22nd to the 24th of February at the Atlantic Hotel Wilhelmshaven. The retreat featured a variety of stimulating talks and workshops.

On the first day of the retreat, the participants gathered for a welcome session and a miniature conference. This was followed by a dinner.

The second day of the retreat began with two keynote lectures. Yvonne Rogers spoke about the challenges and opportunities facing human-centred healthcare, while Dennis Küster discussed artificial intelligence and ethics in healthcare. After lunch, the participants went on an after-lunch-walk and took part in an LSC DiPH aerial image session. This was followed by a workshop on the DiPH Framework and a late night fair, featuring technologies in public health.

On the third day of the retreat, the participants continued their work on the DiPH Framework. They also discussed the ECRA Report and Feedback, as well as the Outlook into the second phase of the LSC DiPH. The retreat was concluded with a wrap-up session and the participants departed afterwards.

Overall, the LSC DiPH Retreat 2023 was a successful event and provided participants with valuable insight into the research and new ideas for future projects.


Professor Dr Hajo Zeeb
E-Mail: zeeb(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856902
Fax: +49 421 21856941

Project Office

Dr. Moritz Jöst
E-Mail: joest(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856755
Fax: +49 421 21856941


Rasmus Cloes
E-Mail: cloes(at)leibniz-bips.de
Tel: +49 421 21856780
Fax: +49 421 21856941
