
Seed money projects

“Media use and children's diet: Exploring technological features and strategies to ameliorate digital public health interventions”
PhD-student: Elida Sina
Applicants: Wolfgang Ahrens (RC 2), Antje Hebestreit (RC 2)

“Innovative Approaches to Accelerometer Data Analyses for Physical Activity Assessment in Public Health”
PhD-student: Fabian Flaßkamp
Applicant: Karin Bammann (RC 1)

“Investigating Immediate and Intermediate Impact of Needs-Based Technologies on Public Health in Dementia Caregiving Contexts”
PhD-student: Lars Steinert
Applicants: Tanja Schulz (RC 2), Karin Wolf-Ostermann (RC 3)

“Exploring Strategies to Increase Engagement in Digital Interventions for Mental Wellbeing: Developing Evidence for a User-Centered Design Approach”
PhD-student: Maham Saleem
Applicants: Tilman Brand (RC 3), Heide Busse (RC 3)

“Digital assessment of subjective environmental exposure and environmental justice: Proof-of-concept study (DASEIN)”
PhD-student: Johanna Schönbach
Applicants: Gabriele Bolte (RC 4), Benjamin Schüz (RC 1)

“Beautiful pictures. How digital health literacy is shaped in ‘babywatching’”
Responsible person: Annekatrin Skeide
Applicant: Michi Knecht (RC 4)

“Digital Media - Peers - Environment: A participatory photo-voice project to identify opportunities across settings (digital/ spatial/ social) for the promotion of physical activity in adolescent girls aged 14-18 years (Mi-Voice)”
Responsible person: Frauke Wichmann
Applicant: Heide Busse (RC 3)

 “The development of a blueprint and study design for a self-evaluating mobile phone application with behavioral change techniques”
PhD-student: tbd
Applicant: Werner Brannath (RC 3), Julian Wienert (RC 3)

“Assess the feasibility of integrating ecological considerations into the economic evaluation of DiPH interventions”
PhD-student: Oliver Lange (and others)
Applicant: Wolf Rogowski (RC 3)

“Preparation of a DFG group application: PREPAIRS (later: INSPIRE)-Population-based requirements for digital pandemic response systems”
Scientist: Saskia Müllmann
Applicant: Hajo Zeeb (RC 3), Benjamin Schüz (RC 1), Tina Jahnel (RC 1)

"Digitization and health in Germany: Second cross-sectional survey (DigitHEALTH)"
Scientist: tbd
Applicants: Karina De Santis (RC3), Saskia Müllmann (RC3), Ulrike Haug (RC3), Hajo Zeeb (RC3)

"Developing a concept to evaluate a digital multi-component intervention for alcohol use prevention amongst adolescents using the Multiphase Optimization Strategy Model (MOST) - Multi Most Study"
PhD student: Tbd
Applicant: Stefanie Helmer (RC3)

"Participatory digital interventions: barriers and approaches"
Scientist: Friederike Doerwald-Leicher
Applicant: Karin Bammann (RC 1)


Prof. Dr. Hajo Zeeb
E-Mail: zeeb(at)
Tel: +49 421 21856902
Fax: +49 421 21856941



Dr. Moritz Jöst
E-Mail: joest(at)
Tel: +49 421 21856755
Fax: +49 421 21856941


Rasmus Cloes
E-Mail: cloes(at)
Tel: +49 421 21856780
Fax: +49 421 21856941




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